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Community Meals & Toys for Kids

December 16, 2020

Note: Contact the organizations to find out if there are any changes to the service due to this region entering the *Red Zone*.

The Salvation Army Collingwood – Christmas Hamper and Gift Program: Supports families and individuals in need with Christmas food hampers and gifts for children 16 years of age and under.

Contact: Jessie at 705 445 9222 x 204

Clearview Community Church – Christmas Dinner: Due to the pandemic, the Christmas Day dinner will be available as a take away meal

Contact: 705 888 4552

Christmas Angels Help Group Dundalk: Volunteer based group that collects and distributes gifts and toys to families that are in need and/or too late to register for other programs or do not meet criteria for other programs

Contact: Available by Facebook chat or leaving name on the group page

All Saints’ Anglican Church Collingwood – Christmas Day Take-Out Dinner: Free take-out dinner on Christmas Day

Contact: Susan 705 441 1419 to pre-order, pick up Dec 25 4pm-5pm

One Community, Collingwood: Family Christmas Dinner: A free family Christmas dinner for anyone in need * Sponsored by One Community (area churches), Collingwood Legion and Living Waters Resort * Event will offer a full course Turkey dinner, toys and gifts

Contact: 2-1-1

Mortgage Centre: Christmas Hamper Program: Provides Christmas food hampers for families in need at Christmas. First come, first served basis, no questions asked. Basket includes turkey, potatoes, vegetables, pie, juice and buns. Clothing items include socks, hats and mittens.

Contact: Mr. Chris Dopp, 192 First Street Collingwood, Dec 23 starts at 9am

Society of St Vincent de Paul, Wasaga Beach: Provides Christmas assistance to families or individuals in need, by appointment only. Call helpline for assistance.

Contact: 705 428 3396

Creemore Community Christmas Dinner, Creemore Legion: A Christmas dinner for members of the community. Contact coordinator to find out if event has changed.

Contact: Donna at 705 466 2523

Emergency Food Aid Gift Cards: For anyone in need of additional support through the holidays. Reach out to any of the organizations involved to receive a card. Organizatons include: Breaking Down Barriers Independent Resource Living Centre, Collingwood Public Library, Collingwood Youth Centre, E3 Community Services Inc., Georgian Bay Family Health Team, Home Horizon Transitional Support Program, My Friends House Shelter for Abused Women and Children, the Food and Meal Program for Out of the Cold Collingwood/Community Connection 211, and the South Georgian Bay Community Health Centre.

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